Lauren Hunn

I’m a music teacher, a homebody, and a nerd for The Moth, coffee, kind souls and thrifty antiques. I’m married with 2 young daughters who stole my sleep and leave a lot of crumbs everywhere, but I still really like them.

I was born and raised in Saratoga Springs – home these days is a little 114 year old house in Troy.  I have a Bachelors degree in Music Education from The Crane School of Music, Masters degree in Music + Human Learning from the University of Texas (hook ’em) and the piano is my oldest friend.

I’m obsessed with minimalist portraits of generations of my own family members and giving that gift to other families makes my little heart soar.

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Please email me at with any questions you may have or head to if you are ready to schedule a session. Thank you for your interest!

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